All Saints University at a Glance
- Accredited by the ACCM with students from over 35 countries.
- Licensed graduates throughout the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom, the Caribbean, the European Union (Norway, Denmark, etc.), Asia (India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, etc.) and Africa (Nigeria, Botswana, South Africa, etc.).
- High pass rates on licensing board examinations (e.g., USMLE. MCCEE, CAMC, PLAB, etc.).
- Ultra-modern and state-of-the-art simulation technologies and laboratories.
- Highly qualified and experienced full-time faculty members with MD, PhD, or MD PhD degrees.
- American-based and equivalent MD degree Curriculum.
- Clinical clerkships and training at top-notch ACGME-accredited/teaching hospitals across the United States.
- The most affordable quality medical education in the Americas.
- Student Financial Aid Programs for the entire MD degree program supported by credible institutions in Canada, the United States and the Caribbean.