Tuition & Fees

A detailed breakdown of fees for our 4-Year and 5-Year Doctor of Medicine (MD) Degree programs are outlined below. You will find miscellaneous fees, approximations of other costs, and tuition for our 3-Year and 4-Year Bachelor of Science (Nursing) Degree programs further down. Please be advised that all fees listed here are subject to change without notice at the discretion of the University.

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4 - Year & 3 - Year Bachelor of Science (Nursing) Degree Program Fees

Year 1

3 Semesters
$ 4140 per Semester
  • 4000 - Tuition Fees
  • 90 - Exam Fees
  • 50 - SGA Fees

Year 2

3 Semesters
$ 4140 per Semester
  • 4000 - Tuition Fees
  • 90 - Exam Fees
  • 50 - SGA Fees

Year 3

3 Semesters
$ 4140 per Semester
  • 4000 - Tuition Fees
  • 90 - Exam Fees
  • 50 - SGA Fees

Year 4

3 Semesters
$ 4140 per Semester
  • 4000 - Tuition Fees
  • 90 - Exam Fees
  • 50 - SGA Fees

Tuition Refund Policy

A request for withdrawal must be submitted in writing, authorized by the Dean of Academics to the Director of Administration. The date of withdrawal is counted from the date of receipt of the request. The amount of refund for students who withdraw from the school in any term is: 80% refund if enrolled for two weeks or less; 60% refund if enrolled for three weeks or less; 40% refund if enrolled for four weeks or less; and no refund thereafter. Any student who is absent for two terms without providing a written request and without obtaining prior approval from university authorities may be subject to sanction or dismissal from the university; this would appear in the transcript and the academic records of such a student.

Miscellaneous Fees

The fees mentioned below are not included in tuition and are charged separately where appropriate. 

Fees are due two months prior to commencement of the semester. If fees are not paid on time, de-registration may occur. A $250 penalty will be applied upon reinstatement. Returning students are required to pay tuition fees one month prior to the beginning of the semester or else a $250 late payment fee will be charged.

Any student who is absent for two terms or semesters without providing a valid written request and without obtaining prior approval from the university authorities may be subject to sanction or dismissal from the university; this would appear in the transcript of academic record of such a student.

All students are required to pay US $150.00 as caution deposit for the histo/path lab. This amount will be refunded upon completion of the course if no damages to slides and microscopes are incurred. The government requires that students obtain proper health insurance before they arrive on the island. 

Unofficial and Official transcripts from the University are subject to a US $30.00 fee per request.

All NBME-Administered exams are US $200 per sitting

All students are required to obtain malpractice insurance prior to commencement of their clinical rotations. All Saints will assist students with information concerning insurance companies which provide this service. Please note that the cost of malpractice insurance is not included in the tuition fees The cost usually is approximately US$ 900 to $1200 per year.

Lifestyle Expenses

All students are responsible for their own lifestyle expenses (e.g., transportation, lodging, books, etc.) Approximations of those costs can be found below. Please note that these are only estimates and students may spend more or less than what is mentioned here.

Lodging in Dominica can range from US $500 to $1000 per month, depending on the type of apartment and whether it is single or double occupancy.  Food expenses in Dominica also vary depending on individual taste and habit. Students can expect to spend anywhere between US $100 to $200 depending on their preferences.

University busses provide students with transportation to and from our campus. Other transportation fees around Dominica will depend on the lifestyle habits of each student.

For the full program at All Saints University, students may expect to spend upwards of US $5000 on all of their required textbooks

Students should budget appropriately for other costs associated with their studies. This may include laptops, tablets, clinical tools, stationary, and other personal expenses.