September – December 2020 (Fall) Semester to be conducted ONLINE
To our teeming population of students; both current and new or incoming students
Given the current COVID-19 Pandemic, the existing travel bans in many countries and the need for our students to continue their education safely and uninterrupted, the Governing Council of All Saints University, Dominica has decided that classes will be conducted online and in-person (hybrid) during January – April (Winter) 2021 semester for the current and new students. For further inquiries or clarifications, students and applicants can contact the University Registrar at:
Dear Students,
This is regarding an update to our scheduled NBME windows. As some of you are already aware, we were not able to carry out the NBME’s in April as originally scheduled due to Prometric Testing Center closures. Currently, Prometric Testing centers have suspended administration of NBME’s indefinitely, in order to accommodate the backlog of canceled appointments. In an effort to minimize disruptions in any way possible, we have opted to administer the exams remotely, as suggested by NBME. The students who registered for the April Examination window will write their exams remotely between June 1-14th.
As per our original schedule, we have the subsequent NBME window between June 24-July 3rd. However, due to logistical reasons, we are postponing this window. Tentatively, this window may be conducted in the second week of July. The new dates for the exam along with the registration forms will be updated shortly. In the meantime, we are closely monitoring for any changes to Prometric Testing Centers. If they continue to remain closed for the coming months, we may administer the exam remotely. If they are able to accommodate examinations at the testing centers, students will be able to write it there.
JULY 2020
Examination Dates: July 6, 13, 20, 27
Registration Closes: 1 week prior to each examination date
Scores Released: 1 week after each examination date
*Please email for July NBME Registration Form
We thank you for being understanding during these difficult times.
Dates for August NBME will be published by the second week of July. Registration forms will be available from the second week of July.
Examination Dates: September 14th, 28th October 12th, 26th
Registration Closes: 4 weeks prior to the examination date
Scores Released: 1 week after each examination date
Thank you,
Dr. Gautham Pulagam
Clinical Liaison Officer
All Saints University, Dominica