The health and safety of our community is of utmost importance so we are taking stringent measures and actions consistent with the guidelines stipulated by health bodies. We have a continued commitment to provide the best educational services to students. In regards to this, we have concluded on our decisions to do the following:
- In an effort to reduce the risk of exposure to COVID-19 and protect the health of employees, the University’s Operations Committee has made the decision that effective immediately that all faculty members and staff should work remotely. This change will enable staff to work from home using online resources in a bid to protect them, their colleagues and our students.
- Also, we are enacting a new set of guidelines for staff operations.
Academic/Non-Academic Staff
We understand that some staff may not grasp the concept of remote work. We indulge them to consult with their supervisors and managers to have a better understanding on how to carry out their duties under the changed situations. The aim of the remote working options is to maximize social distancing by reducing the number of people going into the offices.
One of the recommended acts by WHO is social distancing. We believe this action offers the strongest solution in curbing this disease. Due to the diversity and nature of work at the University, a one-size-fits all approach will not work for all jobs, and not all work can be performed remotely. We will endeavor to provide all the necessary assistance needed to execute work efficiently while ensuring the safety of our staff.
Primary Academic services will remain available online. Also other academic support will be provided remotely.
Staff should take advantage of technology tools for connecting with colleagues. Find out what tools you can use for working and teaching remotely from the IT department.
All meetings would be held via specified platforms. For any meetings that must be conducted in person, the meeting rooms must put into consideration the recommended social distancing guidelines.
Employees working from home are expected to be available to their supervisors during work hours for communication.
We believe in a balanced lifestyle so we encourage staff to take a break during work, go outside for a walk, play some board games and the likes to facilitate their mental well-being.
All of our non-academic staff will also work from home according to the Canadian Government directive. We’re taking stringent measures to ensure that all our staff are less likely to contract or transmit the COVID-19.
WHO suggests the following preventive measures:
- Frequent and thorough washing of hands with soap and water. Detailed instructions and video about effective hand washing procedures can be found on CDC’s hand-washing website.
- In the absence of soap and water, use an alcohol based hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol.
- Observe Social distancing. At least 1 metre (3 feet) distance should be maintained between yourself and anyone who is coughing or sneezing.
- Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands.
- Respiratory hygiene should be practised.
- If you suspect you may have contracted COVID-19, isolate yourself for 14 days.
- If you have fever, cough and difficulty breathing, seek medical care early.
- Stay informed and follow advice given by your healthcare provider.
CDC recommends washing of hands with soap and water for at least 20 seconds after going to a public place, or after blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing. For more safety tips and guidelines, refer to the school’s COVID-19 Safety guidelines. We implore you to adhere strictly to them.
Staff benefits
We are committed to the physical, mental, social and financial well-being of our employees. With respect to that, we are assuring you that all staff (part time and full time) will be paid their benefits even in the course of this quarantine.
Travel ban
All University related-travel have been suspended till further notice. We strongly discourage all University travel for non-essential purposes, particularly to locations with CDC level 3 travel warning for COVID-19. If you must travel, please take all necessary precaution before traveling. Also, stay up to date on the latest news about COVID-19 pandemic.
This is a critical moment for our community and the world at large. We are keeping abreast of the situation and will communicate to you in due time as circumstances change. We appreciate your patience, support and understanding in this challenging time. We acknowledge your commitment to the progress and continuity of our community. As we continue to contend against COVID-19, we believe we will be able to navigate through this phase.
For more detailed enquiries, questions, advice and concerns about COVID-19, please visit WHO Website.
If you are in need of counseling or emotional support, kindly contact our staff counselling services.